Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Eavesdropping & Our first PRIZE DRAWING!

Everyone loves a story... Have you ever been sitting somewhere public and you just couldn't help but eavesdrop on someone else's story?  I know... this isn't polite... or socially acceptable... but I'm guessing we've all done it.  A couple of weeks back I was sitting in the coffee shop when I overheard two gentlemen behind me chatting. Their conversation piqued my interest.

One guy was telling the other about his recent sunny, (insert non-blustery and way above zero) tropical vacation.

“My vacation was basically ...swim, pina colada, cigarette, repeat… I must have smoked a pack a day… When I got back I learned that my favorite Uncle was just diagnosed with lung cancer.  Boy, was that a wake up call! “  He then went on to share with his friend his plan for quitting smoking saying he didn't want to be controlled by the tobacco companies.  

I'm wondering ... what's your story with substances (alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or prescription drugs)?  Your story may be simple - making choices to stay clear of them, or it may have lots of layers ... whatever it is please share. Have you always had the same beliefs?  Have you had or continue to have struggles? If you've had a change in attitude - what brought it about?  

PRIZE DRAWING!!! Truly - I'd love to hear your stories... share yours in the comments section below to be entered to win one of two Healthy Lamoille Valley collapsible water bottles.  Winners will be announced Monday, February 10th.  


  1. I smoked cigarettes for 25 years. I've tried quitting maybe 6 times. At one point I had quit for 2 years. I woke up one day wanting a cigarette so bad- thinking if I bought a pack and smoked it, then I would be fine and go back to not smoking. Well, it didn't work that way. One pack led to more packs and then I had been smoking for another year. I quit again and this time it's for good. This time it's been over 2 years. I have my good and bad days- more good than bad- but I will never give in to another cigarette. I take it day by day.

  2. Thanks for sharing Becky! It really is one day/choice at a time... we so often get overwhelmed with the big picture, but if we wake up and say today... or in some cases, this hour... I'm going to make the choice to be healthier... then that's what really gets us there.
