Monday, March 31, 2014

Enter eCheckUp to win!

This morning I'm thinking of this concept of winning.  We all like to "WIN," but so often we're sceptical about anything that advertises "WINNING." Yeah... what I'm really thinking when I see that bold-type "WIN" is something like this, "What are you trying to sell me now?", "Why do you want my information?", "NO!"

Now that Healthy Lamoille Valley is offering a chance to WIN, I'm evaluating what this means exactly. If you go to  Healthy Lamoille Valley's eCheckUp page between now and May 15th, you'll be able to take a self assessment that allows you to examine your habits around alcohol use.  One visitor, who meets the drawing's criteria - mainly being over 18 and living in the Lamoille Valley, will win a $300 Best Buy gift card, another a $200, and a third a $100.

Wonderful! So three people "WIN?" Well, yes and no...  In reality everyone is a winner in this scenario.  Anytime you take a moment to access your wellness you "WIN."  It's in the pause, the examining.  You slow down and take a moment to care for yourself.  When you do this you are enabling yourself to take better care of the people and things that matter to you. You become a stronger partner, parent, friend, or employee.

Will you "WIN" today?  eCheckUp

And oh... what will Healthy Lamoille Valley do with your info?  This survey is completely confidential.  Just as no one can link my results back to me - your individual results are secure as well.  What Healthy Lamoille Valley will look at overall is the complete results which will show us the alcohol trends in the Lamoille Valley allowing us to put our resources where there's the most need.  

Check us out:

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