Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Uh, oh... another event? What you do matters...

Do you ever skip events, even when they're focused on things that are important to you, because you don't feel like you personally will get anything out of them?  I once had a co-worker who hated going to conferences because she felt like she'd been to so many that she no longer learned anything new.  Do we tune out the importance of staying current on issues that are important to us, because well,  we may not actually struggle with the issue or we've heard it so much?  I know I have at times. What if we look at these events differently?

What if we looked at these events as a way to show support for something that we feel strongly about?  When we go to things we are saying to those around us, "Yeah, I'm going to Family Reading Night. It is important to me, I'm making the time to be there."  Some events, say to our children, "This is important to us as a family."  Our attendance also shares with the presenters that there is community need/interest/support in what is being shared.  

Our attendance helps open the door for future conversations.  About a year ago I went to a parenting class held by the Lamoille Family Center. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten to share snippets from the workshop encouraging other parents.  These conversations are important, because they share tools and resources with others who might not have been able to make it to the event.  

Going to events keeps these things a priority in your life.  You're busy, I'm busy... it's really easy to lose focus of what's important.  The further you get from the truth, the easier it is to create a new reality not grounded in facts. " doesn't really matter if I let my teen drink with us at home at's teaching them to drink responsibly."

Attendance at events is an opportunity to share a value.  Why not go... meet someone new... or even better... invite a friend to join you for the evening?  Causes have the capacity to strengthen and grow friendships.

Have you ever considered that your attendance can help change a community culture?  By sitting in that chair, you're taking a small step to stand up for something you believe is important in your community.  It's a whole lot easier to say something's important when you actually show up.

I share this, in part, to invite you to Healthy Lamoille Valley's upcoming event... 

Special Parent Event: How to Keep Children Safe & Prevent Underage Drinking

Tuesday 1/28/14,  6:00-7:30PM
Varnum Memorial Library, Jeffersonville
What parents think about alcohol impacts their children & their children's friends.  Join us for an engaging event to share resources and answer questions about issues related to: Teen & Young Adult Substance Abuse, Protective Family Factors, Parental Monitoring Strategies, Facts & Consequences of Underage Drinking and Local Resources for Intervention, Treatment & Recovery.
Presenter:  Steve Waldo, Educator for the Department of Liquor Control
Why should you attend?  We realize that parents’ knowledge and beliefs about alcohol’s impact influence how they connect with their children and teens around this topic.  Staying current, no matter your children’s age helps you be a better parent and community member.
Who Should Attend:  Parents,  teens, educators, caregivers, town officials,
store and bar owners, and other interested community members.
RSVP:  Jessica Bickford, by email:
Sponsored by: Healthy Lamoille Valley, Varnum Memorial Library and the Department of Liquor Control

Hope to see you there!  I'll save you a seat!  What events are you attending?  Why do you go?

Like this article?  Follow us on Facebook for more resources:Lamoille Prevention Campaign

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